Categories: Job Search

How to Negotiate, Accept or Decline a Job Offer

{Click here to read the original article on The Balance.}

Here’s advice on how to handle job offers including evaluating job offers, negotiating a better salary, accepting or declining the offer, and what to do if the company rescinds the offer.

Evaluating a Job Offer

When considering a job offer, be sure to take into account the entire compensation package, not just the salary. Consider the benefits and perks, the time you would spend traveling, hours, and company culture. Really take the time to weigh the pros and cons. Use this checklist to ensure that you have considered all the alternatives and weighed all the options prior to making a decision to accept the position.

Negotiating Job Offers

Tips and advice on how to evaluate a job offer, negotiate salary and benefits, and make a counter offer if you want to get a higher salary when you receive a job offer from an employer.

Counter Offers

What’s the best way to make a counter offer? When should you stop negotiating and accept or reject a salary offer?

Here are tips on how and when to counter when you have received a job offer. Also, here’s when an employer can withdraw a job offer.

Accepting a Job Offer

When accepting job offer, write a polite, formal letter. If you’re accepting, this provides you a chance to confirm the details of the offer. Here’s how to accept a job offer.

Declining a Job Offer

If you’re rejecting the job offer, a letter will help you maintain a positive relationship with the employer, which will be important if you ever apply for another position. Here’s how to decline a job offer.

How to Turn Down a Job Offer

How you turn down a job offer depends on your reasons for rejecting the offer. Here are options and reasons to use for a variety of different scenarios. If you have already accepted a job offer, here’s how to let the employer know you changed your mind.

When To Turn Down a Job Offer

When does it make sense to turn down a job offer? Even if you’re desperately seeking employment if you know the job isn’t going to be a good fit it can make sense to decline the offer.

Withdrawing From Consideration From a Job

When and how to withdraw from consideration for a job with an email or with a phone call, plus a sample letter to use to withdraw.

Rescinded Job Offers

Unfortunately, sometimes job offers get rescinded. What can you do if you have accepted a job offer and the company withdraws it?

Here’s information on your rights when a job offer is revoked.

Job Offer Letters

Review sample letters and email messages for accepting or rejecting a job offer, for making a counter offer letter and to say thank you for a job offer.

Martin Weitzman

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